
• Demonstrated efficacy in 13 clinical and preclinical trials and 13 peer reviewed publications
• 3 major partnerships with leading global companies and ongoing discussions with several others
• 2 rounds of investments from Johnson & Johnson Innovation | JJDC
• Successful soft launch of enterade® Advanced Oncology Formula, clinically proven to significantly reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation

Barrier Function Defines Microbiome Effectiveness

The Multi-Layered Intestinal Barrier

Unstirred water layer, glycocalyx , and mucous layer prevent bacterial adhesion and contain antimicrobial properties

Epithelial cells separated by junctions fused together by a family of membrane proteins integral to intestinal permeability

Barrier Disruption

Disease-Related Causes:

• Environmental Enteric Dysfunction
• Infectious Pathogens
• Celiac Disease
• Irradiation/Chemotherapy

Other Commons Causes:

•Exercise/Heat Stress

Evidence of Barrier Function & Inflammation Claims

Barrier Closed
Barrier Open
Radiation + enterade®
Barrier Closed

enterade® Demonstrates Clear Barrier Function Efficacy

Improved Barrier Function & Reduced Inflammation as a Result of Treatment with Precise Amino Acid Formulas
Evidence of barrier function and inflammation claims
Evidence for Improved Nutrient Absorption

Villi responsible for nutrient absorption are regenerated every 5-7 days.  Various environmental insults (e.g., heat stress) can blunt villi, dramatically reducing their functionality.  EBS radiation model produces SEVERE villus blunting and malabsorption Patented amino acid formulations improve villus height and crypt cell count, thereby increasing nutrient absorption.

Improved Bioavailability and Nutrient Uptake
Evidence for Faster Hydration Claims

• Net intestinal fluid absorption is passive when using salt water or sugar free sports drinks such as G-Zero

• The use of glucose as an active carrier of salt and water (G2 100 mM) improves net fluid absorption

• The addition of amino acids (75 mM) to flavored water (G-Zero) creates better net absorption fluid absorption than glucose and best net fluid absorption overall

• When comparing net intestinal absorption of sports drink (full sugar Gatorade) to 75 mM amino acids in salt water, use of amino acids result in better net fluid absorption

• Unlike sugars, amino acids transport salt and water across the intestine without stimulating intestinal chloride secretion, thus improving net intestinal fluid absorption

• SPIP gold standard ex vivo method for studying absorption; performed in presence of cholera toxin

• Trioral (ORS) and glucose-sodium cotransport considered one of the greatest discoveries of the 20th century for treatment of cholera

• 34% faster absorption than Pedialyte®

• Beverage osmolality closely matched (+ 18 mOsm/kg) between EHS-MH and Trioral; Pedialyte® too high to match using SPIP model

• Study in progress

• The Beverage Hydration Index (BHI) is a standardized way of comparing commercial beverage formulations using a composite measure that includes gastric emptying, intestinal absorption, and renal handling of ingested beverages

• 12 young adults; randomized, crossover design

• EBS-MH BHI was 24% better than water and 13% better than competitor beverages

• EBS-MH maintained hydration up to 41% longer than water and other test beverages

• Similar supporting data have been published comparing EBS-MH BIH in older men and women

• Lasix (Flurosemide) can be used in healthy subjects to precisely manipulate and model body water and electrolyte losses that occur with diarrhea

• 13 soldiers were dehydrated by – 3.1% of body mass using Lasix and were rehydrated (1:1) with EBS-MH or sports drink

• Goal of ORS therapy to replace water and electrolytes and restore circulating blood and intestinal fluid volumes (i.e., ECF)

• EBS-MH restored ECF volume significantly better than sports drink (37% versus 10%)

• EBS-MH improved electrolyte balance (+83 mEq) after 3 hours while sports drink worsened it ( -75 mEq), increasing hyponatremia risk

Entrinsic Bioscience